Ghana and the whole of Africa, in general, is known to have a rich history of making art. From its traditional garments and dances to urban murals, art comes in many different forms for African countries.
You don’t have to travel far to see graffiti in North America. Just go outside and you’re likely to get a glimpse of it in some shape or form. What’s most striking to us about the kaleidoscope artwork splashing the streets of Downtown Accra is the message of diversity, equality, and hope behind them.
“Many artists working in and out of Accra today are directly confronting the country’s political history and social iconography—often utilizing the techniques and aesthetic influences of the West to create works purely Ghanaian in tone and message,” Christoper Bollen writes in a piece that explores the uniqueness of Ghana’s art scene and the story behind it.
Jamestown is known as one of the oldest districts in Accra. It’s where you’ll have a front-row seat to the bustling city, ocean-side views, and art from some of Ghana’s most prolific painters and drawers. It’s a historical town with a personality of its own, hosting the annual Chale Wote Street Art Festival along with other similar street festivals. If you want to get a taste of Ghana’s art scene, Jamestown is a must. It’s where I was lucky enough to visit and get my own tour of life in Accra – through paintings.
At African Library Project, we’re all about powerful stories. Art is its own form of storytelling, a powerful one that combines past, present, and future. Whether it be through reading and breaking the cycle of youth illiteracy in countries like Ghana or creating stories with a paintbrush or stencil, people must be empowered to pursue creativity.
Ghana’s art scene is only growing from here. Keep an eye out on young African talent that comes out of this marvelous country. They have stories to tell and we want to listen.