ALP Forum

A closed community for ALP Book Drive Organizers

We have an exciting new feature that we are offering for the first time to our Book Drive Organizers – Forum. Forum is a private community forum hosted on Reddit that will empower you to connect with other book drive organizers. This private forum will enable you as a book drive organizer, to connect, share your experience, give and receive advice, ask questions and mentor others!

To join the forum, please request access via this link here:

Please allow one business day to receive approval of your request to join.

Getting Started

1. Request access at: (This will also be the same link that will direct you to the Forum once your access has been approved by a Moderator).

2. If you’re new to Reddit, you will be prompted to create an account. You may connect to your Apple or Google account for easy setup.
3. If setting up a new account, you will be prompted to select topics that you want to follow, which we suggest ignoring and pressing the ‘continue’ button unless you’re interested in using Reddit beyond ALP Forum.
4. Once you have created your username, you can request to join ALP Forum.

5. Please allow at least one business day to have your request to join approved. 
6. When your request has been approved you will receive an email notifying you that your access has been approved.
7. We recommend checking out the ‘Welcome, Lesotho Book Drive Organizers’ for additional information on how to navigate and our community guidelines. 

Parental controls

Reddit is an open-ended social news platform where users create and share content around particular hobbies and various subject matters (eg reading, guitar lessons, etc). However, because some of this content is only suitable for those 18+ (marked as NSFW or not safe for work, some browser plug-ins for administering parental controls may block Forum because it is on Reddit.

If your child is doing a book drive and would like to participate in Forum, we recommend setting up the account yourself using your own email address. That way you can manage the account’s settings to manage privacy and content preferences. For additional guidance on this, please visit this blog post regarding the topic. If you have further questions or concerns, please email them to us directly at